Sunday, February 1, 2009

Step 7 - Design

I've been procrastinating on actually sitting down and drawing shit out because I haven't had one solid full bike idea yet.

I knew I wanted it mostly flat black, I was going to paint the windshield flat black too and have some sort of skull on it with flat white, and then some sort of flat white accent in other places. That's all I had. Until yesterday riding the ski loft up on my second or third run. I looked down and saw a kid with a flat black helmet on with those racing stripes that have one thick and one thin one.

Then it hit me.. that's it, that's the way to tie in the white. racing stripe that goes up the front, I'll still keep that V white and then have ti wrap around to a skull that's got a thin and thick side, very graphic and vector, simple to mask but still bad ass looking.

then have the stripes follow down the center of the bike. Flow over the gas tank and go around the gas cap like the skull.

Oh yeah, since I have the cool spiked bar ends and windshield bolts, I thought I'd throw a few spikes on the skull too, for extra bad-assed-ness.

So I started messin' with the front shot in photoshop for a quick down and dirty conceptual sketch. I even busted out the wacom, which took me a minute to get used to again. I don't think I've touched that in over a year.

So anyway, here's what I have in mind...

So imagine that thin stripe going around the left side of the gas cap, and the thick side jstu straight through (or under, sorta is how it will look) and the stripes continuing down the bike right to the tail.

Then I thought, "more spikes!!" So I added this...

And I liked it, so I thought, " how about MORE SPIKES!!"

And now Im just spike happy all over the place. I actually took a pencil to the bike pieces to draw on them because I need a closer representation of what it will look like especially when I start going nuts like that. So I sketched the thin stripe going around the left side of the seat and around the back seat and off the tail. And I quickly realized that that's WAY too many spikes.

So think I'm going to just leave a few on the front fender, a few around the gas cap, let the thin stripe go "under" both seats and throw a couple spikes on the tail and that's it.

I don't think I'm even gonna have any white on the direct sides of the bike, either.

So anyway, that's the concept for the design.

I welcome your comments or thoughts on the design.

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